Impact update - 6months of The Seed Pod. (podcast)

Hot off the press! Over these past 6months we have built an incredible community of listeners who are actively engaging in our nature connection storytelling

With 19 episodes already live, our dedicated audience has collectively devoted an impressive 408 hours of listening time to our nature connection storytelling. We have a further 7x episodes scheduled for this year.

What started out as a passion project blooming from the fear of failure and imposter syndrome has become a safe space for many to celebrate connection to the environment, to people, and to our well-being through storytelling. We have now shared 100s of stories from childhood, adventures, experiences and our favourite nature facts; all in the hopes that we can collectively have a place to share in the awe of nature.

From the ground up, The Seed Pod.(podcast) has offered our community seeds of knowledge that have been sown, and have sprouted. We are now growing into a symbiotic network for environmental education, and the arts; nurturing the impact we are already having so that these seedlings grow into mighty trees.

Cross your digits for us as we apply for funds to enable our next step in this journey- our website and an incredible science communication comic/illustration project with Maya Templer!

Ngā mihi nui for joining us as we continue to grow The Seed Pod!

Join our community here:

Sian Crowley (Founder)

BSc Ecology & Biodiversity and Environmental Studies. Founder of The Seed Pod. | Environmental Educator & Programme Manager | Global EE 30 Under 30 Class of 2023 | S4&5 Protostar 2023 | Executive Committee Member NZ Association for Environmental Education 2023 | Founder of Forest & Bird Youth Wellington 2018


Forest & Bird Youth 2017-2023


Biodiversity Surveys